Sunday, June 12, 2011

JYJ Concert in Busan [11 - 12, June 2011]

Saturday Concert Ticket

Sunday Concert Ticket
Stephanie, Himeko, Claire, and I all arrived in Busan early Saturday afternoon to attend the concert and also have fun in Busan. It's a coastal city and, therefore, a big tourist hot-spot in Korea.
On our way to our hostel, we serendipitously found a Jaejoong fan advertisement at the transfer subway station, Seomyeon.  

More subway ads at Sports Complex (the station for Sajik Gymnasium)

Sajik Gymnasium

Banners at the venue:

Fan Advertisements at the venue: banners and buses.

Lines of fans waiting to get in

A game was in progress at the baseball stadium while we waited

When we got to our seats, we found  a paper and light stick, explaining our fan Fallen Leaves project. For the concert, everyone would use their red light sticks. But when they performed Fallen Leaves, everyone would use their yellow light stick.

It was a very successful fan project.

Before the concert: Stage set up

 Then, the concert opened with Empty. Best concert I've ever been to... so far. ^.^




We arrived at the arena sort of late. We got there around 6 pm and the concert didn't start until 7 pm. We tried to go to the second floor to get to our seats, but there was such a loooong waiting line. It was 6 pm and they still hadn't opened the doors to let people in. So, 16,000+ fans were all waiting outside! It was chaos. At first, we thought we were not so far away from the door, but the waiting line was wrapped around the stadium. There were two lines and we didn't know which line to be in... ah, madness. There was just so many people.  Finally, they started to let us in after 7 pm (when the concert was supposed to start). I think they were having technical difficulties, so they were troubleshooting and didn't want the fans to see them working on the staging.  But, an hour to seat 16,000+ people is not enough time.

Toward the end, we all just ran for our seats. Because they had to finish on time for people to make public transportation, they started exactly at 8pm, whether fans were seated or not. During the opening song, Empty, we finally found our seats. -_- On Saturday (I think due to the technical difficulties), they were on the extra stages more than the main stage (o.0). Also, our seats on Saturday were not the greatest. We still had a decent view. Sajik Gymnasium is a basketball arena and its designed so that every seat in the house is a good seat. Some are just better than others. Around the main stage, though, they built these metal support frames and our seats were right in front of one of those frames. So, we could still see and enjoy the concert, but it was annoying. Despite experiencing extreme frustration at the lack of organization, getting to our seats late and generally being stressed out, we all went away with a positive experience of the concert. It was amazing.
Although, they seemed to be having some technical difficulties with the lifts and staging. 
We headed back to Sports Complex station where everyone was crowding on the subway to get home.  
 It was chaos revisited. Stephanie and I decided to go to Sajik station for Sunday's concert instead, in an attempt to avoid the crowd. 

It was MUCH better organized on Sunday. They started letting people in at 4 pm and we got to our seats BEFORE the concert started this time. Also, our seats were much better. We were 3rd floor, but first row. Like I said above, the way the gymnasium is designed, every seat in the house has a good view of the floor. Sunday's concert to me was flawless. We had the best view of the concert. I didn't sit down for the entire 2 1/2 hour concert. It was unbelievable. Stephanie and I were pretty unintelligible after it was all over.     

After the concert Stephanie and I hightailed it to Sajik station. Our plan to avoid the crowd worked. No one was at Sajik-- everyone went to Sports Complex. We grabbed our stuff out of the locker and ran for the subway that just arrived. It was 10 pm by the time we got to the subway station and it took us 10 minutes to get our transfer station. Stephanie had to rush to make the last train home (11 pm). I opted for the midnight bus, which put me back in Seoul at 4 am on Monday morning.
Midnight Bus Ticket back to Seoul

Memorable Moments:
**On Saturday, when Yoochun was performing "Untitled, Pt. 1" it was so powerful. Everyone was stunned and on the verge of crying during this song. Yoochun really expressed his pain and frustration in his rapping. It also sounded like he said "Dong Bang Shin Ki" at the beginning.

**On Sunday, during one of the ments, JYJ started a wave in the crowd and we went around the stadium. We were only supposed to do it once, but all the fans did the wave four times before the lighting tech stepped in and dimmed the lights. It was super cute.

**On Sunday, the dancers went all out right before the break and we all chanted "JYJ." Since we were right above the stage exit, the dancers passed under us. I was so happy that the crowd really supported and cheered for the dancers.

**As I said above, on Sunday we were right above the stage exit, so JYJ passed right under us when they left at the end of the concert. They spent a long time waving to all the fans in our area as they walked out. I was really touched. ^.^ 

JYJ Tweets about the Busan concerts
(Junsu, 10:48pm KST) Thank you everyone and I love you♡

(Jaejoong, 11:09pm KST) In the process of making this concert, there were many mistakes and errors and we experienced many disappointing and distressing moments with each other, but that one stage we stood on today made us happy. We are one, really.. Thank you to everyone in our family.. (T/N: ‘Family’ can include staff, dancers, fans etc from what I’m guessing)

(Jaejoong, 11:26pm KST) Oh. And thank you so much for the Jaejoong Bus^^

(Jaejoong, 2:11am KST) Ah… Really.. I’m so thankful to our fans.. In the past, I used to say that I would still perform even if there was only one fan present… But now, I think I’ll have such a hard time if the family that I love disappears.. I think I’ll have to work really hard..

(Junsu, 11:42pm KST) We all start again♡

(Junsu, 11:50pm KST) Fallen Leaves….. Before… I would feel so sad every time I sang this song.. I tried and I tried and I tried to hold it back but I ended up in tears each time.. I don’t want to cry anymore.. If we’re starting again.. why should I be crying, right??

(Junsu, 11:50pm KST) I miss you because I love you.. Your smile will always stay in my heart…. So you don’t have to hurry.. Because we will start again, just like how a flower blooms once more after it has fallen..

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