MBC Music Core Pre-Recording [2014.01.11]
- My Tweets Compiled & Shared by DBSKnights
- TVXQ prerec now ^^
- Music Core TVXQ prerec took 18 takes + fanchant take & lasted about 70 minutes.
- CM came out in black & white checkered pants, black jacket,
& long black bow tie. YH in black & white patterned suit w
- Dancers wore long black jackets with their pants hving shiny material on calfs & thigh/crotch
- YH had red kerchief in his suit pocket & CM had a red pin shaped like a spade
- Camera rehearsal had to be done again bc we did the fanchants. We were yelled at & the boys started again
- The first 11 takes were done without fanchants & filmed close ups with a handheld camera operator up on stage
- During the rehearsal, YH was so cute. He held his mic sideways w both hands while he tiptoed backwards into the rope dance
- The boys used reg black handheld mics for the rehearsal. Sounded so good. *.* They also looked really happy & playful today
- YH waved at us & we were excited waving back. So then he waved
again slowly while swaying side to side. Laughed really cutely
- 1st take the cameraman got in the dancers way & couldnt do the rope ring. Improvised for 2nd take by putting ropes on sides
- After take 2, the camera operator & PD talked w boys about what
they wanted 4 facial expressions for the rope boxing ring part
- Take 3 had ropes in front. For take 4, they left the ropes in place and focused on close ups
- Another mini discussion w PD & cameraman about stage positons
- YH asked us if the stage was cool. We said yes. YH said the MBC staff was working hard and to be patient during the long rec
- Take 5 was w/o ropes. Cut early. PD asked CM to do his part again. CM went bckstge but left his mic on a dancer's shoulder
- Take 6 finished w CMs hand over the lens. When PD said ok, CM made a soundless "oh" w wide eyes. We all oohed & CM smiled
- Take 7 was YHs part w the rope mics. One take ok!
- The PD said ok we'll start & YH gave us a thumbs up. Take 8 was the chorus into Yunho's rope dance
- After PD called ok for take 9, CM was being really cute & teasing the dancers
- When one of the dancers came back with a dancing change, CM went to join YH backstage to talk w the PD
- When the boys came back, we waved our lightsticks & YH smiled & waved to ever part of the audience.
- Take 10 was the ending with the ropes. When the PD called for one more take, YH sent an open mouthed shocked look to dancers
- Take 11 was called ok. YH was leaning a little too far fwd in the ropes & dancers grunted when they pulled him back up
- Take 12-18 we did the fanchants and the stage shot cameras were used instead of the camera operator being on the stage
- For take 12, YH said "we are starting" very cutely.
- After take 12, the PD called for 1 more take. The cameraman said
smthng to the boys & they both went "Ah~" CM shoulder laughed
- Takes 12-14 was the whisper begnng. 13 was a good take but 14 the ropes werent taut so the boys fell against the others back
- Take 15 was the string instrument rope part. Great expressions from the boys!
- Takes 16-18 were of the chorus that led into the solo dance sections. Fanchants were so hardcore
- After take 15, YH came and sat in the chair near the audience. Then he turned & was startled by the close standing section
- YH smiled & waved to us. I was right in front of him & he
would look at the standing sec & then at me. Confused by my presence
- Then YH saw a fan & said he recognized her. She asked him if he knew her name & he shyly laughed saying he didnt know it
- Standby for take 16, CM goofed off w dancers. Did 2 secs of Wild Horse then the nane game with counting syllables
- Take 16 YH had such great smirky expressions. He dropped his mic twd the end of the take & PD called cut.
- YH was so sorry abput his mistake. He sighed & nodded sorry to the dancers when the PD called cut
- CM teased YH by pretending to drop his mic 3 times as if saying why did u do that. A dancer pretended to grab YH by the shirt
- Thru the teasing YH only nodded & sighed as if saying I know, Im sorry.
- Take 17 was a repeat of 16. Dancers were late getting ropes around YH for the puppet rope dance. Cut
- When take 17 was cut early, YH closed his eyes, looked up at the ceiling, breathing deeply.
- PD asked for 1 more take & YH nodded bc thats what he expected
- YH came back w a hand on his hip, out of breath. We yelled fighting & YH pumped his fist saying "Aja, aja,aja!"
- Take 18 was an okay & wrap
- CM quickly doublehand waved to fans & left. I think he saw me bc
he doubletaked & waved really hard in my direction but idk.
- The PD passed YH a mic & CM came running back sweating holding a water bottle when YH started talking
- YH was breathing hard. He said thank you to us & you guys are
awesome/cool. YH passed mic to CM & CM said go home safely.
- Since we never did the full fanchant bc filmed in pieces, Cassies
had to do a 19th take by played Somthing & did the fanchant
- Honestly the MBC staff was very impressed w us. We have full perf & pretended the boys were there. Screaming in right places
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